
Killing the microbes – Part 2

So, to finish the topic from yesterday, we already know how many bacteria there are in every home, and despite the numerous times we disinfect the rooms, the microbes will always find a place to hide.

The chopping board – according to some, the chopping board contains even more microbes that you can find on the toilet plate. Frightening, isn’t it? Here’s what you should do – use only plastic chopping boards, because they’re easier to be cleaned. Plus, they absorb less. Use a separate chopping board when you cut meat. When washing the chopping board, use some lemon juice as well.

Wet inner surface of the washing machine – You didn’t know that the washing powder doesn’t kill all of the microbes? Believe me – it doesn’t. What I would advise you is to clean your washing machine with hot water every time after you wash your clothes.

The bath – about 100,000 on every 2.5 cm². Use anti-bacterial detergent at least once a week.

The kitchen and the bathroom floors – clean regularly, even if you see just one small stain. It’s better to clean it on time rather than leave it until it gets sticky and turns into a small microbial island.

The bin – again, another heaven for the microbes. A dark, moist environment for different micro-organisms. The solution – buy a pedal bin, so you won’t have to touch it often when you throw away the waste. Even if you don’t like the idea of cleaning it and washing it, it should be done once in a week.

The toys – no matter what protections we use, the kids and the microbes just go hand by hand. Quite often the children take their toys when they’re playing outdoors and, thus, they bring many bacteria back to your house. What you need to do is to treat the toys as something that also has to be regularly cleaned. You can even wash some of them in the washing machine, or the plastic ones – in the dishwasher. The right thing is to teach your kids they should wash their hands every time they finish playing.

Most of all, don’t forget that hygiene is everything. And is a must in order to have a safe environment for you and your family.