
End of Tenancy Cleaning Paddington

If you are looking for an end of tenancy cleaning service package in Paddington, W2 London that won’t cost you a lot of money, but will still meet yours and your landlord’s requirements, then you should get in touch with us.

Our end of tenancy cleaning procedure is well-known by residents of Paddington and we can guarantee that you won’t be disappointed by the results we achieve.

End of Tenancy Cleaning Prices
Studio Flat from £129
One Bedroom Flat from £179
Two Bedroom Flat from £209
Three Bedroom Flat from £245

After hiring your cleaning staff to look after the clean condition of my rented apartment, the results impressed me and and my lessor.
– Melissa

Any time I need professional end of tenancy cleaning I know that this is the company I have to call. Thank you for always being there for me.
– Nora

We’ve been in the cleaning business for over 3 years and during this time our workers have cleaned hundreds of homes. Our end of tenancy cleaning service has been booked hundreds of times and we assure you that you can’t find a better end of tenancy cleaning service in the

Like making all the arrangements to move to the new place weren't enough, I had to also perfectly clean the old one, too. My landlord insisted on using professional services, so I ended up choosing you. Even though I was forced, now that I think about it in retrospect, you saved me a lot of time and effort. Thanks!

Our rich experience has helped us create one of the most reliable, qualitative and affordable end of tenancy cleaning packages in the area. We are preferred by landlords in the entire district, so if you are near the end of the tenancy period, then our service can help you get your deposit back.

End of tenancy cleaning is a job that takes a lot of time and many people don’t have enough free time to do it on their own. When the end of the tenancy period approaches, you have to deal with many other things and you don’t have any free time for cleaning. You can count on
us to make sure that your old apartment is sparkling clean and ready to pass the inspection of the pickiest landlord.

About Paddington


Paddington is one of the liveliest districts of London. It is situated in the western part of the capital city and fairly close to the city’s center. Two of the main streets in Paddington are Uxbridge Street and Watling Street. These two streets are also the main places for shopping.
In the past, these two places were main roman roads.

There are several attractions in Paddington, but one of the most popular places is undisputedly the railway station. It has been active since 1836 and has been reconstructed several times through the years. The magnificent station is active to this very day and it is one of the oldest
in the world. The Paddington railway station connects the district with Bristol, South Wales, Bath, Plymouth and Oxford.

One of the best hospitals in London is located there as well, the St. Mary’s Hospital which was the birth place of Prince Harry and Prince William. Some of the most popular people that have lived or are still living in Paddington are Emma Thompson, Keifer Sutherland and others.