
Bringing a New Look to Your Flower Pots

Almost all flower pots lose a lot from their original colours with time and although your flowers always look lovely and fresh, the faded colours of your pots might ruin the idyllic view. That is why it is extremely important to take care not only of your flowers, but also of the pots. Don’t allow to have the beautiful look of your terrace ruined by something so small when it can be fixed just with a little bit of creativity. Instead of buying new pots, I usually apply some small crafty ideas and bring something from myself, so it would feel cosier and more pleasant.

What you need for a start is first some nice beautiful fabrics, scissors, glitter spray paint, decoupage glue (acids free), a brush and… your pots (of course). Just pick up any old pot of yours and put it on some papers, so you can make sure you won’t leave any stains after the job is done. You can paint the pot with any colour you want, or you can mix colours and create different patterns. Then wait for the pot to dry. Cut a piece of fabric after measuring the circumference of the pot. With it you can decorate the outside.

Apply some of the glue to that part of the surface of the pot where you plan to attach the fabric and then press the fabric onto it.  Depending on your tastes, you can decide whether to cover the whole pot with the fabric or just a part of it. Make sure there are no air bubbles left under the cloth. After that apply another two layers of decoupage glue, but wait for the first layer to dry before you apply the second one. And that’s it! I’m sure you’ll be more than happy with the result.