
Some quick tricks to clean your home

Here are some useful tips I have found quite well working over the years and after the long time spent at home taking care of the household and dealing with the boring daily chores. It is good to know that whatever situation you face, you can always rely on the internet to find a way out. It is time saving, effort saving and most of all it has already been tried by others, so you won’t have to worry about whether something will work or not. And here are some small tricks that will surely be of great help to you:

1. You can combine soda and vinegar in order to clean all types of surfaces.

2. For grimy dishes (just the stains) you can scrub the with salt.

3. You can clean your windows with water and vinegar, but first you have to wash them only with water and then add some vinegar to the water and wash them again.

4. For cleaning surfaces you can mix vinegar, soda and lemon juice.

5. You can use citric acid to clean sinks, sanitary ware and the bathroom as a whole.

6. Tiled floors are perfectly cleaned using water and vinegar. However, vinegar is not suitable to wash marble floors as it will change their colour.

7. Soda is a great way to scrub and clean pans. It is also known as a really good smell absorber as this is one of its main functions. That is why it is a fine antiperspirant as well.

8. The microfibre cloths are the best dust remover.

9. For polishing of wooden surfaces you can use olive oil and 1 drop of essential oil.

10. You can easily deal with any scratches on your furniture by using a small cloth with oil and soda.

11. Unpleasant smells from boxes and jars can be removed by washing them with 50% water and 50% vinegar solution. You can spray the hot plates with the same solution in order to get rid of any smells in the kitchen.

12. All of your glasses will shine if after washing them with the detergent then you also wash them with salty water and then just with water.

13. The colours of your rug will be brighter and more vivid, if you sprinkle it with salt from the previous night and you scrub it with a wet cloth on the next day and vacuum the rug after that.

14. To remove the mold, use vinegar and salt and scrub with a cloth.